Occupational Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy involves therapeutic approaches that focus on helping individuals perform a wide range of daily activities. From children struggling with developmental issues to adults recovering from injuries, our services are tailored to meet diverse needs.

Why Choose Our Occupational Therapy?

Our experienced therapists are committed to providing high-quality, compassionate care. We utilize evidence-based practices to ensure you achieve the best possible outcomes. Each plan is tailored to address specific challenges and goals, helping you or your loved one lead a more independent and fulfilling life.

Comprehensive OT Evaluation

Our treatment process begins with a thorough Occupational Therapy Evaluation to assess your functional capabilities. This includes detailed examinations of your activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), sensory processing, motor skills, and cognitive abilities. Understanding your environment is also crucial to our approach, allowing us to customize interventions that are most effective for you.

Personalized Therapy Plans

Based on the initial assessment, we develop a personalized therapy plan that includes one or more of the following services:

Hand Therapy

Restoration of hand functionality through exercises, splinting, and manual therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy: Techniques designed to help manage and improve sensory processing issues.

Cognitive Rehabilitation

Strategies to enhance cognitive functioning following brain injuries or in the presence of neurodegenerative diseases.

Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Focused interventions to help children achieve appropriate developmental milestones and improve their daily life skills.

  • Visual Perception Training:

    Exercises to enhance critical visual processing abilities needed for everyday tasks.

  • Motor Skills Training:

    Both fine and gross motor skills training to improve coordination and performance of daily activities.

  • ADL and IADL Training:

    Targeted training programs to increase independence in daily living and instrumental activities.

  • Adaptive Equipment Training:

    Recommendations and training in the use of adaptive equipment to improve independence and safety.

  • Social Skills Training:

    Development of social skills to enhance interpersonal interactions and quality of life.

Holistic Therapy Journey​

Embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being with our comprehensive therapy methodology.

  • Contact and Schedule an Evaluation

    Begin by contacting us to schedule a screening or evaluation. Our friendly team will guide you through the process, ensuring your questions are answered and your needs are met.

  • Evaluation and Assessment

    Our initial assessment thoroughly examines communication skills to tailor a specific plan of care.

  • Implement Individualized Plan of Care

    We design a personalized treatment plan that targets individual challenges and goals, ensuring each client receives the most effective therapy.

  • Execute Therapy and Weekly Homework

    Therapy sessions are supplemented with weekly homework assignments to reinforce skills learned during sessions and to encourage continuous improvement.

  • Re-evaluation and Assessment

    Begin by contacting us to schedule a screening or evaluation. Our friendly team will guide you through the process, ensuring your questions are answered and your needs are met.

  • Continued Care or Graduation

    Therapy sessions are supplemented with weekly homework assignments to reinforce skills learned during sessions and to encourage continuous improvement.

Begin Your Journey to Recovery Today

Contact us to schedule your initial evaluation and discover how our physical therapy services can enhance your life or that of someone you care for. Our team is ready to assist you in achieving your health and mobility goals with compassion, expertise, and personalized attention


Frequently Asked Questions

Need Help or Have Questions? Contact Us Today!

We commonly treat conditions such as autism spectrum disorders, sensory processing disorders, developmental delays, fine motor delays, handwriting difficulties, cognitive impairments, and injuries affecting daily function. 

We specialize in providing occupational therapy services to individuals across the lifespan, including infants, children, adolescents, adults, and older adults. 

Sensory integration therapy helps individuals regulate and process sensory information more effectively, which can improve attention, behavior, and participation in daily activities. 

Yes, we provide recommendations for assistive technology devices and strategies to help individuals increase independence in daily activities.

Occupational therapy can help improve fine motor skills through activities and exercises targeting hand strength, coordination, dexterity, and handwriting skills. 

Yes, we help individuals of all ages improve their ability to perform activities of daily living such as dressing, grooming, bathing, toileting, and feeding. 

We use a variety of sensory-based interventions and activities to address sensory processing difficulties, including sensory diets, sensory-motor activities, and environmental modifications.